Farcana is set in a not-so-distant sci-fi future, where humanity has not yet fully entered into an age of freely colonizing the galaxy, but balances on a razor's age of an entirely new age.
Some elements of the setting are dark and even melancholic. The earth has been lost to it's people with no hope of ever reclaiming it. Yet, the future that Farcana promises remains a hopeful one. The corporations and factions all wish for the best, all of them are willing to lead humanity into a brave new world. They just happen to disagree on what that bright future may look like.
In our world people, their individual opinions and strength, are enough to shape the course of history. The setting is designed to fill a gaping hole in the world of sci-fi. The genre came to be known as a place for big politics, thousands of planets and an unknowable vastness of space where a single person can never be anything more than a grain of sand. Farcana, however, aims to deliver a world that has room for player agency and provides space for a dynamic, fluid story.
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